How to Wash Raw Fleece
Fleece can be spun raw (unwashed) or washed it is dependent on the type of fleece you are using and the preference of the spinner. If you are going to card your fleece you need to wash and dry it first.
- Skirt and Pick your fleece
First you will want to remove as much debris as you can before you wet the fibre. Lay out your fibre and remove any of the fleece that contains urine, faeces or heavy mud (Skirting). Then pick though the fleece to remove any vegetable matter (grass, seeds etc.).
- Washing your fleece
People are concerned about felting when washing wool but it is abrasion and soap that felts wool. So when you handle your fleece, handle it as careful and as little as possible. Place enough hot water in your washing bath or pot to cover your fleece as hot as you can tolerate it. Put a small amount of washing powder into the water, we use Daz as it doesn’t bubble up. Lay your fleece into the water and gently push down until your fleece is submerged in the water. Leave in the water to soak for 15 to 30 minutes (you do not want to let the water cool down too much). This will allow the dirt to soak and to release some of the vegetable matter
- Rinsing your fleece
Fill a second pot with fresh hot water then gently lift your fleece out of the soapy water, gently sueezing esess water out and lower in the rinsing water. Gently push down until your fleece is submerged in the water. Leave in the water to soak for 15 to 30 minutes (you do not want to let the water cool down too much).
At this point you may need to repeat the wash and rinse process.
When Clean Lift out the fleece, gently squeeze to remove excess water and spread out on a rack to dry.